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Design Guidelines

Explore our Design Guidelines to understand the principles and best practices for creating consistent and user-friendly designs. Learn how to align your projects with our standards and ensure a seamless user experience.


The font color is #212529
Primary color

Secondary color
rgb(108, 117, 125)

Tertiary color
rgba(33, 37, 41, 0.5)

Quaternary color


The font used is Open Sans font


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This is a Title

This is a Section Title

This is a Link

This is a quote



This is a contact form




The header is divided into two sections: the left side and the right side.
The text links in the navigation bar change to a darker color when hovered over.

Left side

The left side contains the Open Data Hub logo followed by a horizontal navigation menu with links to the following sections: Services, Datasets, Use Cases, Web Components, Quickstart, Community, and Events.
Dropdown menus are available for Services, Community, and Events, indicated by small downward arrows. These expand to reveal additional sub-options:

Services: Data Access, Data Sharing, Data Visualization, Certification

Community: Data Providers, Data Consumers, Partnerships, Contributor of the Year, Get Involved, Design Guidelines

Events: Upcoming Events, Past Events, Recurring Events, Video Library

Right side

The right side displays the About Us link, which also includes a dropdown menu that expands with the suboptions "About us" and "Contact us". To the far right is the NOI Techpark logo, visually connecting the platform to its parent organization.
