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Enhancing Event Visibility through Data Visualization at Eurac

Data visualization serves as a powerful tool in today’s data-driven world, enhancing comprehension and facilitating communication.

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The need of Eurac and the solution through Open Data Hub

The research center, Eurac Research, headquartered in Bolzano, sought to improve the visibility and accessibility of events taking place within their facilities. To achieve this, it was decided to use data visualization by extending the Today@NOI web component, which initially displayed events at NOI, to events at Eurac. The Eurac-events are now displayed on a screen in the entrance hall in their own design.

Efficient Configuration

Harnessing the capabilities of Open Data Hub and sharing relevant data facilitated the effortless reconfiguration of a web component using standard APIs. This straightforward configuration tweak allowed for the display of events either at NOI or at Eurac. The adaptability showcased not only saved valuable time and resources but also emphasized the potential of Open Data Hub in streamlining configurations and meeting specific requirements with ease.

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Let us visualize your data

If you need to show your events in a simple way or are generally interested in our Data Visualization service, do not hesitate to contact us.

Data visualization